Are you wondering what flooring is best for pets? We have some great advice and we also know how much you love your pets! They’re basically like children and you would do anything for them, right? But what about sacrificing your home’s flooring for them? Would you do that?
When you get a new puppy or kitten, do you want to risk them ruining the floors because they aren’t litter box trained yet or are teething like crazy? Or scratching up your brand new floors when the kids get the dog all wound up after school?
Well here at Flooring Pros of Augusta Georgia, we offer several great types of flooring that will stay protected from all your pets! Read on to learn about all of our best options for you and your furry friends and your family.
With our so many different types of flooring products, it’s hard to know which one is best for your home and best for your pets. You may want carpet in the bedrooms, tile in the bathrooms, and wood in the kitchen, all while being protected from your pets but also safe for them. It’s a lot to think about, but we’re here to help. We have several types of flooring that are great quality, great for your pets and look great in your home.
At Flooring Pros we offer vinyl flooring, hardwood, engineered wood, laminate, tile, carpet, sheet vinyl and starecasing. Most of these options are good for pets, but some are not. Carpet is the toughest type of floor to maintain with pets. It stains easily from your pets’ messes and oftentimes holds odor which can be hard and expensive to clean. Hardwood can scratch easily and is not very water resistant. However, there are harder types of wood that would better resist scratching and be more water resistant. But rest assured, carpet and hardwood can most definitely be installed in your home as long as you know what comes with them – lots of cleaning and training your pets well.
If you want something a little easier and more stress free, waterproof vinyl would be the best option. It will be protected against pet accidents and is scratch resistant. We even have five different types of vinyl to give you what you want in your home. This flooring can also be installed in almost every room in your home. Another easy and stress free option is tile. Tile is a great option for pet owners since it can withstand damage, dirt and debris and is very easy to clean. We have five types of tile with a glossy or matte finish. Another great option is laminate. Laminate flooring is similar to vinyl and has a very durable top coat that is waterproof and scratch proof. It can be rather slippery for dogs, though, so keep that in mind. Engineered hardwood can be a great alternative if you have your heart set on hardwood floors for any rooms in your home. Engineered hardwood is a layer of wood with several layers of a durable tough finish that creates that desired layer of protection. This flooring isn’t 100% waterproof but is relatively water resistant and scratch proof, therefore can be a great option.
With all these good choices, which one is the best? Our top choice for a home full of pets is the vinyl plank flooring. Luxury vinyl plank is the most resilient flooring when it comes to dogs and cats. This type of flooring is thicker than most types of flooring and is much more durable. It is scratch proof and waterproof and hair can be easily removed with a quick sweep or vacuum. Stains and odors will be completely avoided with this flooring. Vinyl is also softer than hardwood and tile, so it is far more forgiving for your pets (and children, too). This resilient floor isn’t too slippery so it’s great for any and all chaos that goes on in your house.
Laminate flooring is also a great option. It is very similar to vinyl and the top coat is basically scratch invincible and waterproof. However, this top coat can be very slippery for those excited dogs running around. This type of flooring would be a great option for a cats, though.
Tile is also great for cats because while it is a slippery flooring, it is stain resistant and easy to clean up. If you do choose tile, dogs may appreciate a dog bed or rug to lay on, as the floor is cold, hard and uncomfortable. Engineered wood is great for the comfort of your pets and is easy to clean with sweeping and vacuuming. It also looks great in any room!
This post is just a guide to help you find the best floor for you and your pets. Any of the floor types listed above are great for your home. Finding the one that works for your family, your pets and your home is important. Whichever type of flooring you choose, try to follow these suggestions to ensure the longevity of your floors with pets:
Now you should have a clear idea of tips for choosing the right flooring if you have a dog or cat. In addition, if you are located in Georgia and are looking for flooring in Augusta GA, Flooring Pros is a top-choice! You can always reach out to us by phone, visit us at our business location, or contact us for a free estimate on services.
We hope we helped answer the question of what flooring is best for pets and wish you luck in choosing the right type of floor!
Feel free to visit our flooring store at any time or call with any questions you may have. For quality affordable flooring Augusta GA, choose us!