If you are wondering about how to choose flooring, this post will go over some great information that will help with your project. Choosing flooring can be difficult for the average homeowner. However, this post is designed to assist in choosing flooring for any project- large or small.
Your home deserves the best when it comes to flooring. With all of the choices out there for flooring materials, how do we know the best? There are several reasons to choose a particular flooring type. In this guide, we will talk about choosing the right floor for your home or business and what advantages each possesses.
Flooring Pros of Augusta knows that everyone has their own taste when it comes to flooring. Some love the look and feel of carpet, while others refuse to allow carpeting in their home. Others prefer a floor of wood or even tile in their home. Even after knowing the type of material you prefer, there are numerous choices of what styles of each you want. Every type and style of floor coverings have the pros and cons of each.
Having someone come into your home and hand lay a Roman mosaic out of hand-polished marble may be a good idea for a particular class of people. Most of us, however, will not ever be able to afford such a luxurious floor. This explains no matter our style and taste, sometimes we have to stay in a budget. Keeping costs down may play a large role in deciding what material and style you will decide on.
The next factor that will play into your floor choices is functionality. Where you will lay the new floor type will play a role in determining the type and styles you can use. Some of these functionality choices seem apparent. Although there are a few people out there that like having carpet in a bathroom, that is not a typical decision. But, to each their own.
Outside of cost, functionality, and style, there is one more reason people choose flooring materials. When having the floor installed by a professional, this reason of choice may not apply as much. However, as do-it-yourselfers know, how hard a job is can have a significant impact on the decision. Some will choose a flooring material strictly based on how fast and easy it is to install. This can be a good choice in a rental with a high turnover rate, or for someone only needing something under their feet quickly.
Now that we have discussed the different reasons people choose flooring let’s investigate the various types available for your home or business.
Laminate flooring requires an underlayment. Some brands have the underlayment already attached to each piece, while others need an underlayment installed on the floor separately. Laminate can be used in most rooms of the home or business.
A benefit of hardwood is that the floor can be refinished many times as it wears or for a different finish. Be mindful not to install hardwood floors near water sources, such as bathroom and kitchens, as water will cause damage.
Many people still love the feel of carpet under their feet. Tile and other solid floors have become more and more popular. Carpet, though remains one of the most chosen flooring options for bedrooms.
Carpet is made of different materials such as:
Once you have chosen the material you want, you will need to decide on a carpet style:
For those who like the look that tile flooring provides, there are a few options to look at.
Vinyl flooring comes in planks, sheets, or tile shapes. This product is a good choice when speed and cost are of the essence. No floor underlays are required, only a level and clean floor to peel and adhere to. Vinyl plank flooring is a durable and versatile option for your home or business. It is one of the most popular products here at Augusta Georgia‘s Flooring Pros!
Regardless of your budget, style, or need, there are multiple choices available to you for your home or business flooring needs. We have covered most of the basics; now, you must look at each type and decide for yourself.
This post should have helped you with the decision making process. If you still have questions, you should reach out to Flooring Pros on this page here or give us a call. We are always available to help with our suggestions or to give you a free estimate on services.
We hope you now know a little more about the subject of flooring how to choose.
Feel free to visit our flooring store at any time or call with any questions you may have. For quality affordable flooring Augusta GA, choose us!